Saturday, 5 March 2011

Every Rose Has It's Thorn

I know I did a quote from this Poison song a few weeks ago, but I was watching old episodes of glee today and their rendition of this came on...this line in particular really hit home and struck me that it might be a good blog post.

We all have days where we can only see the negative in ourselves. Be it our appearance, our personality or relationships, sometimes we just feel like crap. I have days where I just feel so miserable and weak and like I am such an inadequate person and should be stronger than I am...but recently I have tried to remind myself that this isn't how I feel all of the time. None of us are perfect, we all have days when we are a bit of a naff person to be around, but that doesn't mean we are any less valid as a person. Roses are possibly the most beautiful flower in the world, and yet ever single one of them has at least one thorn. Does this make it any less beautiful? Of course not! In fact, when we look at a rose, we don't even notice the thorns as we are too busy looking at the wonderful flower. So it is with our imperfections. Someone doesn't look at us and see the negatives, the things wrong with us, our flaws, our weaknesses...instead they see the positive attributes, and all the lovliness. No one searches for the worst in us, they all just see the best. Roses symbolise love. Yet they are not perfect. This should remind us that we are loved, and CAN be loved, despite everything. One of the things that happens with my depression is that I get so focussed on how much of a rubbish friend or sister or daughter I am being, and how nobody must get anything positive out of me and I just drain from people. This is ludicrous! My family still love me to bits despite my problems and struggles.

My mum once told me that I was her little flower. She says I just needed to be loved and nurtured and taken care of, and that one day I will blossom into a beautiful person. I like that imagery, it gives me hope and makes me realise that just because we are covered in thorns or weeds, it doesn't mean that a wonderful person isn't still there underneath.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell that you are a wonderful person just from the fact that you are so thoughtful. I love the way you think about things and you're very good at putting those thoughts across.
    Very nice and interesting post.
